Monday, July 30, 2007

Music for the Cool Kids

I am currently loving the Nephew Remix of Timbaland's "The Way I Are" (If you haven't heard it check out my files at the top--NOW)

I'll be keeping you updated on the good songs I find-- if you find any cool mixes please send recommendations my way!!! : )

ad:tech tomorrow

I'm going to be at the ad:tech convention tomorrow.  It's my first convention so we'll see how it goes.  I'll be sure to update on what I see/who I meet.

Blogged with Flock

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Twitter: What are you doing?

Anyone want to join Twitter?  Or, if you're on Twitter hit me up:

Blogged with Flock

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Oh Goodness!

It seemed like a good idea at the time...

You know those Nigerian kids and their porn: they go hand in....

Blogged with Flock

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Did this flock thing work?

This is just a test to see if this new program I'm using ( will actually post to my blog.... hopefully it works.

In the meantime, here's a pretty lil' image from flickr (I said I'd start!)

Blogged with Flock

This thing called the World Wide Web...

Ok, so after a pretty harsh awakening when talking to an older member of my soon to be *keep your fingers crossed* profession I realized I'm very out of the loop when it comes to the internet... Sure I check my 2 e-mails accounts- heck even facebook when I'm feeling really bored- but I really wasn't keen on the idea of blogging until just recently.

I originally made this account so I could start blogging, but I never understood that there are actually really cool blogs out there....that talk about other things than celebrity gossip. With these blogs I can keep up on my news, tech needs, and just get a quick fix of human contact when I'm feeling bored in my cubicle at work.

So to all of you that knew about this for that past years; I'm sorry for doubting because this world wide web thing is apparently really cool...

**Just as a side note: I grew up in the household of a video game programmer so I am in no way shape or form technologically challenged, I just didn't understand how these blogs work until now-- flickr here I come, once I start actually using my digital camera that is.....